About Us
Our Focus
While we are open to looking at any opportunity, we primarily focus on companies with the following characteristics:
A motivated seller with an established, talented team
Strong regional or local presence
At least 5 years of consistent profitability
Minimum EBITDA margins of 10%
Minimum EBITDA of $2 million
Why Partner with Us ?
Long-term commitment is the heart of what we do. Diego's personal and career goals are focused on providing the best care and service to our community.
Diego believes that in order for a business to advance, employees must be a priority. This necessity is the core of the search fund: to identify and grow a business that takes care of its employees so we can all in turn take care of our community.
Committed to you:
Continue your Legacy through sustainable growth
Experienced leader dedicated to the long-term success of your company
Committed to taking care of employees and achieving long-term goals
Flexible timing to achieve smooth transition
Tailored to your needs

Our Team
Diego Perilla, Founder
Diego is a seasoned healthcare executive with 16+ years of leadership experience in healthcare systems, supply chain operations, and business support services. Over the last four years, he has worked as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for major health systems in both, the public and private sector. He is a dedicated leader that takes pride in building trust and developing meaningful relationships with clients and members of his team. The old saying: "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care" guides his leadership and vision.
Diego received his MBA from the University of Miami and also received his MPH and MPA degrees from University of Miami. He is confident that his values of authenticity, determination, humility, and integrity, paired with his background and professional network will make him successful in his mission to operate a great business for the long-term.
Diego in the community:
⦁ Board Member: Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance Chamber
⦁ Board Member: American College of Healthcare Executives South Florida
⦁ Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE)
⦁ Leading in Healthcare alum (Cleveland Clinic)
⦁ Sarasota Chamber of Commerce Leadership Academy
⦁ Take Stock in Children: Mentor and Big Brother
⦁ Panel Speaker: Culture & Workforce Symposium: Sustainable Strategies to support Professional Well-Being for your team
⦁ American Heart Association Team Leader
⦁ Real Men Wear Pink Ambassador (Making Strides Against Breast Cancer)